Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wing Repair and Board Prepping

Yesterday while I was using this wing (Takuma RS 6.1) the leading edge bladder popped.  Today I went ahead and fixed it.  You never know what you are going to find when you pull a bladder.  The pop sounded small and noncatastrophic - and it even took a little bit of time for the air to completely come out - so I figured I got lucky and this hole was small.

And small it was.  I had this patched in no time.

And I went ahead and inflated it and left it inflated.  It's at my office - I'll check on it in the morning.  I'm thinking it should be good to go.

I also decided to sell the surfboards I'm not currently using.  Those would be the Firewire Sunday (shown here), the Firewire Greedy Beaver, and the Toots 7'4" Asymmetric

The proceeds from selling these boards will go to the Ocean Rodeo Glide AX wings I'm saving up for and to pay off the Firewire Seaside and Beyond.

I'll post more pictures tomorrow of all the surfboards moving around (bought and sold).  There is also a swell that is inbound - surfing tomorrow!!!

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