Saturday, October 8, 2022

Dawn Patrol - 10/8/2022

Dawn patrol this morning - Marlon brought his longboard and I brought the 4'8" with the ART999/375P.

Marlon paddled straight out to the outside break.  I was hanging in the middle in front of the cabins.

The swell was bigger than anyone was expecting - more on this in a second.  The tide was dropping and the wind was minimal.

I caught several really fun waves - double dipping and getting a few hard carves in along the way.  I did eat several - taking off in foam balls sometimes doesn't pan out.

I saw Marlon catch some really beautiful waves - I got tempted and paddled to the far outside.  I saw him catch two more over head waves (where did those come from???).  Then the great lull set in.

I had to paddle further over back towards the cabins and inside - I finally started catching again.


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