Wednesday, October 19, 2022

No.26 and No.27 All Done

I got the top deck sprayed this evening on both of these.

These are definitely on the low end of what I can probably ride (volume wise), but it will be fun experimenting with these.  No.26 (above) came out heavier than No.27 - even though it is smaller.  The difference (besides the size) is the cloth - a carbon and innegra weave, and the epoxy (pro epoxy).  I saw this between the WWFB and the Narrow one - the narrow one has both carbon and innegra on both sides and ended up heavier.

Tomorrow, I'll get them outfitted - deck pads, leash cords, drill out the vent holes and install the vents - then let the deck pads sit for 24 hours (or maybe I'll get the deck pads on tonight...)

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