Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ding Repair - Foil Comparisons

This board should look familiar - it's the Greedy Beaver  I had for years.  I recently sold it to Tim - and he quickly put a ding in the top deck.

Here is the ding all prepared for filling

And the fill is down (to close the gap that forms the ding).

Tomorrow I'll sand the repaired area flat.  Then apply fiberglass, and finally place the fill coat and sand.  Should be fine.

And when Marvin dropped me off after foiling, he wanted to compare his 990 to my 1090.  He had the F One aluminum mast.  He said he wasn't jiving with this foil (and I can easily understand that - one word - ARMSTRONG).

To the untrained eye - one might even think these foils are the same.  But the chord is a lot different.

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