Friday, October 28, 2022

The Anointment of No.27

And hot on the heels of trying out No.26, I brought No.27 out for the first time today.

The waves were a little bigger than yesterday (but not by much).  The tide was lower and the wind was still up and down.

I used the same foil as yesterday - ART999/400P/68cm Project Cedrus Mast

I started off with the foil mounted dead center in the tracks.  After two waves, I moved it back a little and here is where it ended up.

This will be a good point to really start trying to get the sweet spot defined.

This board is easier to paddle, takeoff with and pump.  Not as easy as the 4'8" - but this also is lighter and moves faster.  I had a hand full of waves that I was able to ride and carve on - but I wasn't able to pump out on any of them.  I'll credit that to getting used to the board.

Overall I can tell this is going to be a good board (for me and my riding style).  I'll spend more time on this and No.26 (although as I am thinking right now - No.26 may be outfitted to be a sinker winging board) - so I can get used to the shorter dimensions.  I do not think I need a board shorter than this one - and perhaps the goldilocks zone for me is 4'8" to 4'6" for prone, and 4'10" to 5'0" for winging.

One bad thing did happen today.  A longboarder took off and aimed right at me as I was paddling out.  He never even tried to move out of a collision.  I had the foil up because I was paddling back out... he hit the foil.  I didn't see any dings on No.27 or the foil.  He was physically ok - but I gave him a scolding for not watching where he was going.  As long as nobody got hurt and my stuff wasn't damaged, I'm letting this go so I can reject the negative energy.

Dawn patrol tomorrow....


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