Friday, January 19, 2024

Afternoon Session - 1/19/2024

I had a weird work schedule the last couple of days - but at the end of it, I got a chance to hit the beach early this afternoon.

By the time I got to the beach, there was an onshore breeze blowing.  There was one winger out - Koa - and he was moving parallel to the beach.

I brought No.33 and the Spitfire 960 setup.  Technically it was the perfect setup for today.  Practically, the short period waves and the wind chopping up the surface made for challenging Foil Drive (actually any form of wave riding) conditions.

I didn't bring my watch so I don't know my wave count - it was somewhere between plenty and ridiculous.  On the waves that let me ride them, I got in some really hard turns.  And plenty of waves bucked me off or faded.

I also didn't have much opportunity to pump back out - the light head wind and surface chop saw to that.   

I think I was out for a little over an hour.  One thing I am noticing is the 3-bladed prop uses energy faster than either of the other prop configurations I had previously used.  This is more noticeable since I'm getting heavier on the throttle.

I need more power!!!...


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