Saturday, January 27, 2024

Evening Session - 1/26/2024

Prayot has a demo AFS Silk 850 from Jeff - and I got to test drive it yesterday.

The conditions were not nearly as good as the previous day - half and big and no where near as clean.  But when you gotta go, you go.

After 2 adjustments, this is where the foil ended up - pegged to the front of the boxes.  I think if I brought the other board that has the boxes 2" forward, I would have likely gotten even better results.

This is a really nice foil.  Feels like the best of the Kujira 980 and the Eagle 790 in one.  I mention those foils because it is smaller than I normally use in these conditions, and on multiple waves I dropped off foil (hit the stall speed).  I think the demo rear stabilizer is also a little small (for my preference).

I did a bunch of fun waves and this foil turns with the best of them.  Also - like the Kujira, this foil is smooth through the water - I never felt any turbulence.

I think this size would be great in overhead waves, and exceptional in wingfoiling during regular trades.

For normal condition prone foiling, I think I'd do better with the Silk 1050.  That said, this does not do anything particularly better than the foils I currently have - and I am focused on other pieces of equipment (Foil Drive Max) so I'll not be purchasing one for now.  Plus there are no Project Cedrus adapters for AFS yet (good thing - as I hear the mount is changing... this is the new mount - I hate it when companies do that... leaves early adopters in the dumpster)

Tomorrow the Kona winds are kicking back up - I'll try this on the wing.  But the optimum wind speed time is the bottom of low tide (0.2').  To save myself the pain of having to paddle out to deeper water in a headwind, it's time to go to Hickam!!!


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