Sunday, January 28, 2024

Garage Works - 1/28/2024

It was stormy today - windy, but stormy.  The crew decided to pass on winging today.

So I spent some time going over the bike (I was actually pretty close to selling it, but all the signals are starting to go - age).  When this thing is clean,...

I didn't end up selling it.  And now I'm going to have to order some lights and install them.  I'll look for some LEDs - then I get to the point where I really shouldn't sell it...

At some point, I wanted to check the fit of the Evolution Cedrus Wind adapter for the F One Titan foot.

The Classic and Evolution adapters side by side.

Then I also carved out time to set up a template for the deck pad for No.34

I'm using the Octopus pads as a baseline.

And last, but not in chronological order, I sanded No.34 again.  And I placed a second top deck fill coat.  Then I sanded a few spots that needed attention, and even added yet a third spot fill.

It's totally worth the extra effort once it's all done, but sometimes I do wish I was less OCD.

Tomorrow I'll likely get in an after work session at Hickam (so I don't have to paddle into a headwind with breaking waves).  Then I'll carve out a little time to get the final rough sanding done (and maybe even the other grits - at this point the hard part/rough sanding is done).

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