Thursday, January 4, 2024

Garage Works - 1/4/2024

The weather was not so conducive for water sports today - so I opted to stay home and get some errand done.  And then UPS delivered the prebuilt 16" mast foil track I ordered and I started to study the foil box placement again on No.34

This is where it ended up using the ratio from No.30

But when I showed this to the foiling crew I wing with, they suggested to move it up further.

So I went back to this posting on IG and studied the mast position and came up with a slightly ratio.  

This is the final position - moved up 2" from where it previously was set

This likely where the Eagle 1090 would sit.  Most of the other foils I use now are positioned forward of the 1090, so this gives me plenty of room to accommodate (Eagle 890, SK8 950, Spitfire 960, Spitfire 840, HPS 700)

Tomorrow I'll work on the entry rocker and skinning the top and bottom decks (trying to preserve as much thickness as possible).

If I don't get too distracted, I may have the rough shaping/fine tuning done by Sunday.

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