Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Evening Session - 1/30/2024

Marlon and I hit the beach later in the afternoon today.  There were good sized, clean waves breaking - definitely a West wrap!!!

Marlon brought his longboard - and he caught some fun waves.

I brought the Volcanic Sweet Potato -

And I replaced the Wayne Rich Nightmare Twins with the Britt Merrick Twins.

These fins made this board more playful than it had been with the other fin selections.  It is never easy to get the comparisons down with differences in swell, wind, crowds, and even time between usages.  I recall the Nightmares having more drive and hold, yet I could make a top turn and wrench the board around with the ability to recover on the rebound.

These BMTs trimmed off the sharp edges of the movements and made everything more fluid.  Kind of like the feelings I have when I wing foil with the Axis Spitfires (more visceral and snappy) and the F One SK8 (more fluid and flowing).

I caught some gems today - takeoffs were awesome, I got in lots of fun turns and made some long runs.

I love experimenting with fins on the Sweet Potato!!!

Roland was on his mini longboard (T&C) and Prayot was out on a shortboard.  Fun day!


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