Monday, May 25, 2020

Evening Session - 5/25/2020

Marlon and I waited until 5pm to surf.  It was worth the wait - super light wind made for very easy wave catching conditions.  The swell was chest high with a few bigger sets every now and then.  And the tide was high at 1.9'.  Marlon brought out the GoPro board mount and the mouth mount.  I got him to tail me on an inside wave - fun pictures!  These pictures were all from the same wave.  I nabbed some from the outside that had some really fun drops - some GL140 magic!!!  No breaching - lots of speed runs and some hard turns - can't really ask for more.

And he had some great takeoffs, even though the GoPro seems to magically shrink the wave size and blow up bellies.

Really fun day of surf!

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