Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Anoitment of Marlon's Shortboard

I delayed my surf outing until the midafternoon to be able to foil on the high tide.  Marlon was a little iffy about going, but I told him it would be a good day to try out his shortboard.  And a good day it was - overhead on the set waves, which were really consistent.  There was some wind, but it really didn't mess with the shape much if at all.

I saw Marlon takeoff on several - and Pine Trees was delivering punchy waves.  It looked like really good rides.

I should have brought the Dually Stubby.  It was probably a bit too big to be foiling - there were pitching lips so a few of my less conservative takeoffs ended up in wipes.  On the launches I did make, the rides were super long - and this is where the wind did have an influence - if I rode right I was headed straight into the wind and it slowed me down.  I did get some cranking turns in.  If I go out tomorrow, I'll bring a shortboard.

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