Saturday, May 30, 2020

New 4'10" (V2) Outfitted

This morning I epoxied in the vent plug.  I really need to get a 1" hole saw so I don't have to put in more epoxy.  After it set I drilled down the vent hole to open it up to the stringer, then I drilled sideways to make sure the blank was accessible - black boards heat up fast.

You can see the Creatures of Leisure pads on the board - I'm using this board as an opportunity to evaluate a different brand as the backfoot arch on the Dakine Wideload on the 4'10" seems to be breaking down already.  I also wanted to find a front foot pad that doesn't tear up my chest if I'm paddling without a rash guard - more testing.

After the vent was set up, I went ahead and started applying the top deck Marine Grip.  I just used three 2" x 12" strips.  I have the 4'6" beside the new 4'10" for comparison and reference.

I moved on to the bottom deck.  Signed, dimensioned, numbered, and time stamped with a white Posca pen.  I sprayed a clear coat over the writing and then placed the Marine Grip on the bottom.  I opted for 4 of the hexagons and a small 3" stub.  Each of the foilboards I've made are all different - the Marine Grip layout is specific to the board.  Lastly (but not pictured) I dropped in the track bolts.

I'm going to wait another day to bolt on a foil and paddle this one out.  Time is your friend with epoxy.  I'll wax it up the day I take it out, just to give the clear coat more time to harden.  I can't wait to see how this board rides!

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