Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother Day Evening Session - 5/10/2020

La and her sister wanted to go to the beach this afternoon - who am I to say no to that Mother's Day request.  The wind and tide were pretty much carbon copies from yesterday - but the swell came down a lot, waist high on the sets.

I did some foil tweaks this morning to prepare.  I sanded the pedestal mount so that it would fit better (it does),  I added a washer under the rear screw on the pedestal to mount the P18W tail wing - I did this to see if I could get the foil to ride more level instead of the "nose slightly down" attitude that it has been, and lastly I swapped out the GL180 for the GL140 thinking the waves were going to be the same height as the past few days.  Like I wrote above - the wave height had come down.  The GL180 would have been a better choice to maintain glide, but surprisingly the GL140 worked fine in these smaller waves.  I had a couple of waves where I was dialed in from the start and had sick glide from start to finish on small, unbreaking bump.  On several other waves, I took it in pretty far just because the wall kept drawing me in.  And on one I pumped halfway back out.  Yeah the GL180 would have been better today, but the GL140 did quite well.

Marlon was again catching everything on his longboard.  But he did switch out with Noe - here they are on the same wave.

Another really fun day!!!  Thanks to La for taking pictures and choosing the beach this afternoon!

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