Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tweaking the Mast Tracks on the 4'10" V2

This is one of the most critical parts of making these foil boards.  If the tracks aren't aligned, you'll lose some adjustability fore and aft of the mast.  And worst of all, you'll have to look at tracks that are not straight.

It took me two hours to tweak these in 2 mm.  My OCD was firing on overdrive.  But the good news is they are straight (and now I can sleep at ease tonight).

If the surf is still up tomorrow, I'll hit it, but if it comes down I'll try to get these epoxied in place (and possibly get the bottom deck laminated - carbon layer around the boxes, carbon nose to tail, and a 6 ounce warp fiberglass layer nose to tail).  It sucks having OCD (but things are done correctly).

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