Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Steps

The OCD in me is definitely showing itself.  I mixed up a small batch of epoxy, used up the last of my cabosil to make a slurry - then tried to fill in a few known divots.

The main issue to be addressed was getting a sealing coat around the vent plug on the 5'2" prone foil board - just in case the epoxy used to set the plug in place did not fully seal.

The next issue was filling in low points around the leash plug and tail on the Dually Stubby.

Lastly - I took the remaining slurry and filled in what I could on the new 4'10", both on the top (where there were definite holes from the spray foam) and the bottom (a couple of spots that shrunk when the first batch of epoxy burned the interior of the board).  I'll sand all of these down tomorrow.

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