Sunday, May 3, 2020

Lunch Session - 5/2/2020

The high tide (low one) is midday this week.  Instead of doing the dawn patrol to avoid the crowds and the wind, I waited for the higher water to prevent hitting bottom.  The wind was up - solid trades - and it did make riding a bit challenging (but that's why we do things isn't it?).  The swell was thigh - to waist high.

I got plenty of rides in - almost all of them long.  It's so much fun to get lined up and just glide.

I am going finally change out the Kai tail on this setup for the P18W.  I can pump back out with the Kai tail, but I'm hoping that I have some time under my belt with the GL180, that using the P18W will get me doing consistent 2 for 1 rides and return trips to the line up.  We shall see...

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